Curriculum Intent for PE
'Happy, Healthy Hearts Pumping' 
We have high aspirations for all children. Our PE curriculum aims to ensure that all children:
- develop physical literacy and a strong foundation of physical skills.
- develop resilience, independence and a sense of fairness and respect when working with others.
- are physically active for sustained periods of time.
- experience a wide range of physical activities.
- engage in competitive activities against themselves and others.
- lead healthy, active lives and develop a sense of well-being.
PE is delivered by a Specialist Teacher as well as our teachers.
Our PE sessions will be both indoor and outdoor for Reception and Key Stage 1. They focus on mastering basic movements including running, jumping, throwing and catching, as well as developing balance, agility and co-ordination. Pupils are encouraged to participate in team games and to develop simple tactics for being an effective team member.
We ensure wider participation in the community by involvement in interschool sports and swimming tournaments, local authority and Trust based competitions.
PE Programmes of Study: out about PE at Skegness Infant Academy in the Sway below!
- A variety of activities to stimulate interest and encourage participation in sport.
- Year 2 pupils swimming lessons.
- Daily playtimes which are supported by trained adults who actively engage our pupils in purposeful play and competition.
- A range of after school clubs
- A competitive ethos with positive sportsmanship values.
- The opportunity to take part in out of school competitions.
- Opportunities for our pupils to engage with outdoor pursuits.
- Experiences which support the development of young leaders.
- Lessons within our curriculum which promote healthy living.