Reception Parent Workshop

Reception Parent Workshop
It was great to see so many parents at the workshop. You can find the Maths booklet we handed out in the Parents/Parent Workshop section of our website. Here is the link to the Oxford Owl website where you can find out how to say the letter sounds and here are the Jolly Phonics songs we use.
The feedback we had was fantastic:
'We found this very helpful. We feel that it will help with the development of our child.'
'It was a great insight to how my child is being taught. Great tips for me to do with him at home.'
'It was lovely to meet all the teachers and get a look at what the children are up to at school.'
'The phonics workshop was a fantastic idea. Our child comes home everyday singing the phonics songs. It's great to see something that has such an effect on learning.'
'Lots of useful tips to help at home. Useful ways to engage the kids at home. Tapestry seems like a great idea, can't wait to use it.'