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Infant Academy

Academy Links For Parents

This page contains all of the useful links that you may need for accessing our online forms and more!

Pupil reason for absence

(to inform us that you child is going to be absent from school):

Facebook permission

(to give school permission to use photographs of your child on our Facebook page - you only need to full this form out once for your child's duration on roll) -


Parent/carer contact update form

(to update us if your change your address, email, telephone number):


Skylarks nursery, expression of interest form

(to be completed if you wish to put your child's name on our nursery waiting list):


Leave of absence/holiday application form

(to be completed if you wish to take your child out of school for a holiday or any other reason):


Leavers form

(to be completed if your child is leaving our school and moving to another school):


Applying for Free School Meals/Pupil Premium

 (Lincolnshire County Council parent portal):


Applying for a school place 

(Lincolnshire County Council parent portal)


Nationwide school uniform shop

(website to order school uniform):



(ordering school meals):



(ordering and paying your child's milk - note: free until Friday before their 5th birthday):